Product Release Notes - Q4 2023

Product Release Notes - Q4 2023

Sync HubSpot Company-Based Lists to N.Rich Segments

Our Workflows feature now supports HubSpot company-based lists as a data source. This means that HubSpot customers who use company-based lists to manage their accounts can now sync these lists to their N.Rich segments through Workflows. This allows for an effortless sync between HubSpot account lists to segments in N.Rich.

HubSpot Company-List Support for Workflows

Customers must have an active HubSpot CRM integration and existing company-based lists to use the feature.

HubSpot Documentation - Creating Company-based lists
Workflows Use Cases - Keep your segments synchronized with your HubSpot CRM lists

Workflows Upgrade

Workflows now support more data sources, actions and triggers:

  • It is now possible to sync an Intent Report with a segment through the Sync action. This allows you to keep Intent Reports and Segments in Sync.

  • It is now possible to move accounts as an action in Workflows. This allows you to move accounts from one segment to another based on the Workflow trigger.

  • Multiple segments are also supported as both source and destination for the accounts, meaning that accounts can be moved from multiple segments to multiple segments. This will help marketers set up workflows for multi-wave ABM campaigns that move accounts from one stage (segment) to another as they progress through their journey.

    New Move Action and Multiple Segment Support
  • When using CRM as a data source for their Workflows, users can now use more advanced triggers based on their opportunity data. This includes:

    • Opportunity Account Type: Any Account, New New Account, Existing Client

    • Opportunity Status: Won, Lost, Open

    • Opportunity Creation/Close Date: After Date, In the last x days. Anytime

  • Errors in a Workflow are now easily noticeable through error messages and color coding applied to deleted or missing segments.

Learn more about Workflows: Getting Started With Workflows

CRM Stage Information

Gain valuable insights into an account's CRM status with CRM Stage, now available for all accounts in your segments. This helps you understand if a given account is in your CRM and if it is, understand which stage of the sales pipeline the account is currently in. With this data at your fingertips, strategically augment your CRM by seamlessly adding missing accounts or optimize your segments based on specific CRM Stages.

Learn more about CRM Stages: Understanding CRM Stages

CRM Stage in a segment list

Account Data and Firmographics Upgrade

We've added more accounts (+10M) and expanded our account database, offering a broader selection of company attributes and firmographic data. This means you have more options than ever when building your account lists to match your business objectives and ICP even more closely.

New Firmographic Filters Available During Segment Creation

Updates to Intent Report

We changed the way accounts in your Intent reports are synchronized with your segments. This sycn is now driven by Workflows, enabling you to take advantage of the power and flexibility of Workflows to manage your segments. You can see associated Workflows with an Intent report by going to Intent Reports → Settings → Data Sync.

Intent Report ↔︎ Segment Sync can now be configured in the Data Sync section

We also made improvements to the scoring algorithm and updated the documentation to provide you with an example to understand how the scoring works: Understanding Intent Score | Scoring Example (With Intent Data Source Weight)

If you would like to share feedback about our features or submit feature requests, please reach out to our product team: product@n.rich

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